Recursos para Aprender Inglés

Recommend your favorite English learning resource!

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En esta página comparto contigo los mejores recursos que he encontrado para aprender inglés online.

Inglés con Subtítulos o Transcripciones

Profesores de Inglés Online

  • Georgiana from Profesora Ingles brings positive energy into teaching English in her one-to-one lessons on Skype. She’s a language learner herself and has seen what works and what doesn’t from her personal experience. In addition to teaching English on Skype, Georgiana creates informative, motivational, and entertaining videos on YouTube.
  • Learn grammar with Elizabeth from Grammar Revolution. Elizabeth’s a native English speaker who focuses on teaching grammar to English speakers and learners. However, I believe her methods will work for you as an English learner as well. She’s great at simplifying hard-to-understand concepts. So, if you’ve been turned off by grammar in the past, give Elizabeth’s “revolutionary” methods a try.
  • El Blog de Inglés by Mónica is one of the BEST go-to places on the Net for Spanish speakers learning English. Monica has had many “guest” bloggers, other English teachers and students, create tons of English learning material for her site. She’s got an active audience and her site is never a bore. Go check out Monica’s blog to clear up confusing grammar and vocabulary.
  • Habla Mejor Inglés by Zac is another fantastic blog for Spanish speakers learning English. Zac is a native English speaker from the US, and lives in Madrid. Zac focuses on mistakes that Spanish speakers have when learning English.

Conversar con Nativos en Inglés

Apps y Software para Aprender Inglés

  • MELS Phonics is a great resource for beginner English students and also for anyone who has had any trouble with basic pronunciation. If you’ve been trying hard to learn English for years and you still can’t understand what you hear, it’s likely your pronunciation could be holding you back from success. English isn’t a phonetic language. That means that it’s not written as it is pronounced. Spanish is phonetic. Spanish is written how it is said. Therefore, it can be a bit difficult to understand and get used a new language that does not like to follow consistent pronunciation rules. However, you can get the foundation you need and you can learn to understand spoken English!!! This app can help and I’d love to hear back from you after you’ve given MELS Phonics a try. There are several FREE apps that you can try.
  • Wlingua has a pretty nice app directed to Spanish speakers learning English.
  • Duolingo bases its teaching on translation. As boring as this might seem, the app is quite entertaining. In fact, it’s my personal favorite.
  • On ListeningDrill you can click any subtitle line to replay it. There’s no need to stop, reload, find what your looking for, and all that other bothersome nonsense.


  • is the best online language dictionary and forum. If you have an English question, just go ask it in the forum. You’ll get an answer or two from the active forum members before the day’s over.
  • focuses on defining slang terms and expressions you might not be able to find in a traditional dictionary. Watch out though! The terms are defined by regular English speaking people and may or may not be correct.
  • Merriam Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary was created for young learners and English learners such as yourself.
  • Longman defines itself as a dictionary of contemporary English. Examples are read in British English by actual PEOPLE and are not automated. So, if you’re looking to listen to some REAL English at a beginner level, I highly recommend you check out Longman’s learner’s dictionary for English learners.


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